Monday, August 15, 2011

Warren Buffett Tells Congress To Raise Taxes

Warren Buffett says there's no question that the United States' debt is still AAA and that he's not changing his mind about Treasurys based on Standard & Poor's downgrade.

Warren Buffett

Warren Buffett is not changing his mind about Treasurys

"If anything, it may change my opinion on S&P," the legendary investor said.

Buffett is a big shareholder in Moody's [MCO  32.439    0.579  (+1.82%)   ], rival to S&P.

And Buffett is putting his money where his mouth is. As of June 30, Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway [BRKA  107818.00    218.00  (+0.2%)   ] had $47 billion in cash and equivalents. Buffett tells me that at least $40 billion of that is in U.S. Treasury bills. Not only that, Buffett says almost all of his own personal holdings in cash and equivalents are in T-bills as well.

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