Thursday, August 18, 2011

60 thousand displaced people in Pakistan flood

At least seven million people in southern Pakistan banyakabalita. 60 thousand people have been forced to leave the homestead to leave a secure location. Wednesday, government officials said this yesterday.
Indus flood provinces has been widely phasalahani. Sajjad Haider Shah, said the provincial disaster management authorities, the recent heavy rain in the ocean six districts of the province for at least seven million people have been banyakabalita. 'He said, leave the homestead, about 60 thousand people have been moved to safe areas.
Sajjad Haider Shah said 30 people died last week's flood.
Indus Chief Minister Syed Ali Shah said kaima, 10 million people have been banyakabalita. However, some of the more than balenani CM.
In Pakistan's 010 million people are affected by the unprecedented flood of two million 10. Is about one thousand million dollars in damages. Indus is one of the most flood affected areas in the past year.
Gatabarera flood affected thousands of people are still asrayasibire position.
Buddy said the district chief administrator kajima jatoi, flood water to rescue people stuck in the Army and Navy helicopters and boat use. He said members of the army and the air space niralasabhabe banyakabalita dangerous people to take off.
Jatoi said, at 150 temporary skulabhabane tranasibira has been established. He said the tent, and a more urgent need of food.
Sajjad Haider Shah, said the disaster management authorities, the most flood affected districts have been Buddy.
Buddy heavy rain caused widespread damage in more than five districts.

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